Tropics Pool and Spa

When Should You Close Your Pool?

As summer winds down and autumn slowly rolls in, many homeowners begin the annual process of shutting down their pool for the season. In some northern states, where the temperature already has taken a dip and snow is right around the corner, pools already have been drained and prepared for the winter. In Florida, however, there are still plenty of sunny days left to enjoy a swim.

So when should you close your pool for the season? The answer depends on a number of important factors.

Time and Temperature

While it’s possible to enjoy a heated pool all year round, nobody wants to dive into a freezing cold swimming pool when the outside temperature is below 67 degrees F. It’s not only uncomfortable, it’s also unsafe.

So the ambient temperature and humidity are the first two factors to consider. In South Florida, temperatures can remain warm enough to swim all the way through December in some years. In other parts of the Sunshine State, cooler temperatures begin to become persistent in late October or early November. So it all depends on where you live and what time of the year the thermometer starts to dip.

Pool Equipment

Another factor is what type of pool you have and how it is equipped. Obviously, if you have an indoor pool you can use it all year round. But an outdoor pool can still be used throughout much of the winter if it has a high-quality heater. Even when the outside air temperature is chilly, you can continue to use your pool in comfort and security when it is heated.

When it’s finally time to shut down your pool, call the professionals at Tropics Pool and Spa. Our team of experienced, knowledgeable pool technicians can safely close your pool for the season while keeping it in optimal condition for when you are ready to reopen it in the spring.