Tropics Pool and Spa

Pompano Beach Pool Services: The Water Makes the Pool!

Pompano Beach Pool Services by Tropics Pool and Spa

What makes your pool enjoyable? The water of course! No matter how good your pool may look, if the water leaves a lot to be desired, even with first class construction it will not be of any use to you. It always comes as a surprise to us at Pompano Beach Pool Services when we encounter this type of conditions. The owners put their trust on their pool maintenance service provider only to experience a big letdown.

For us at Pompano Beach Pool Services pool maintenance and cleaning is like taking care of an infant. We have to be extra watchful, not letting our guard down.

However, an indoor pool may need less maintenance than an outdoor pool; still, a regular maintenance is in order. We have at Pompano Beach Pool Services several customers which own indoor pools and they’re very meticulous about their pool water, their filter system, their heating machine, their pipes, just everything there is about their pools that need maintenance.

What usually are found in indoor pools are small rubber dinghies, rubber balls, and other toys that kids usually play with. Our Pompano Beach Pool Services personnelwill remove these from the surface and also examine the bottom part for some more toys. It’s not impossible to find pet hair in the filter system.

Not found in indoor swimming pools are the usual things that are normally associated with the surroundings such dried leaves, twigs, dead insects, etc… They are seldom found in indoor walls, especially inside enclosures. But we don’t make this an excuse at Pompano Beach Pool Services to relax in our duties. Pools are complex structures and constant monitoring and cleaning is highly needed.

Yes, what maintenance measures we do with outdoor pools we also apply to indoor pools. Our Pompano Beach Pool Services personnel will always monitor the right water pH. Bacteria and other microbes can still invade indoor pools. It can be animal borne, brought in by guests, or windblown. The correct chlorine concentration still plays a great deal in keeping the water perfectly clean and healthy for swimming. Pompano Beach Pool Services measures the pH three times a week. The perfect pH is 7.2 to 7.8; these are the recommendation of the health department.

The filters, whether they’re sand based, composed of diatomaceous earth or cartridge system should be cleaned regularly. Pompano Beach Pool Services does this once a week for outdoor pools; we do the same for indoor pools. The heater gets the same treatment.

The pipes get a once a month once over for the presence of rusts. However, if our Pompano Beach Pool Services personnel discover any leak, we will act on it immediately.

For us at Pompano Beach Pool Services, we employ the same vigilance and service delivery no matter what kind of pool you have. Some may enjoy more but none will get less. Our efforts are always geared towards providing you the perfect pool water condition. Water makes the pool, not the other way around.